Thursday, October 15, 2015

Pregnancy Diary: Week 12 - Blogtober Day 15


  • Date: September 30th, 2015
  • Size of Baby: Clementine (2.1 inches)
  • Belly Bump: It's starting!!
  • Symptoms:
    • Morning Sickness: Yes
    • Nausea: Yes
    • Fatigue: Yes
    • Cravings: Still not majorly
    • Other: I want to not throw up anymore...


So I need to fill you in on a lot. Since my last diary post I've been to the doctor. So I got pictures of my little one and got to hear the heartbeat. It was such a cool experience. Chris was very close to the monitor just staring at our baby, and after he just kept staring at the pictures. It was adorable. 

We also announced our pregnancy to the families. It all turned out so well. We were down in Salt Lake area for the Utah State vs. Utah game, mostly to see my brother Nick playing in the U marching band and we knew we had that night to tell my family and the next morning to tell Chris's. So we bought cupcakes that had these rings on them with stickers of Jake and the Neverland Pirates, so we blacked out the stickers and put our own of baby stuff. 

I was a little upset because I found out a few days before that my dad was in Texas, so I didn't think he would be there and we would just have to call him and tell him the next day, but lucky for us his plane got back a few hours before we got to the house. It was perfect. 

So my whole family was gathered in the kitchen and I pull out this box. And they're asking me what's inside and I'm just like "It's only cupcakes." but I'm so anxiously excited that my always shaky hands were even more shaky so it's difficult to pull the lid off. When I finally do, Nick is the first to see the stickers, and he doesn't process it. So I turn it so my mom could see, since she knew we were trying and I knew she would understand, and of course my mom reacted perfectly. 

My whole family was so excited for us and Nick kept calling my parents grandparents and it was a wonderful night. 

The next morning we drove to my in-laws. We didn't have a ton of time since Chris had work that afternoon, but we made an effort to get there to see them. Lucky for us, on a Saturday morning, they were mostly all there. Devin was vacationing in Mexico so we already knew we'd have to tell him later, and Aubrey was at work but on her way back. 

Chris was too excited to wait for Aubrey and set down their box of cupcakes. He wouldn't open it so they all thought it was some prank and that something would jump out of the box, which was nice since they weren't expected the real surprise. When they got it open, this time we included one of the ultrasound pictures so it would be easier to understand right away and it worked. His family was just as excited and happy for us. 

When Aubrey did get home, Sheldon showed her the cupcakes and she had probably the best reaction of them all. She screamed and ran to hug me and she made it so much more exciting. 

After all that Chris started telling everyone he sees. I've still been pretty reserved with who I tell, but we're planning our big public announcement next week. 

On to the not so fun stuff... 

I'm now on medication to help with my morning sickness. I had a week where I missed two days of work for just feeling miserable and throwing up and being sick, so since I was already told I couldn't miss anymore days of works I had to get doctor's notes and asked my doctor if I could get some medication to help. For the most part I'd say it's helping, however as I'm typing this I am also staying home sick from work. 

I'm really annoyed because I'm not the type of person to ever call in sick if I'm not really sick. I once tried to work my janitor job when I had a cold and a fever but my boss sent me home and made me stay home the rest of the week even though I wanted to work. And now, I'm throwing up so I'm sure they don't want me working, but I'm risking my job because I'm not allowed any more days off this year. Also, my boss is new. She started just after I got pregnant. So I could be imagining it, but even though she knows I'm pregnant I feel like she thinks I'm faking or just trying to get out of work. But that's so not true and it makes me sad someone might think that. That's not me. 

Baby Farnes is doing good. I'm sick a lot. But learned today's sickness was a stomach flu that's been going around my work. I feel like I don't eat nearly as much as I should, nor do I drink as much water as I should, so I need to work on that. 

1 comment:

  1. I just love you so much and am so excited!! -sis


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