Thursday, October 8, 2015

Dream Date Night and Men's Style - Blogtober Day 8

A few weeks ago I found Tommy John and was inspired to do a "Dream Date Night Outfit" post for both men and women. It's an intriguing concept for me because I've been wanting to include Chris in some of my fashion posts. So while the full outfit post will be posted tomorrow for #FashionFriday, I thought it would also be fun to write a bit about my dream date night as well as mine and Chris's general style.

I've said it before, and I know how cheesy it sounds, but Chris is my soulmate, so any date night with him is my dream date. Chris and I are very laid back and sometimes lazy people. We don't often do big extravagant dates, especially considering how poor we are. We tend to do things that are free or cheap. While movies and dinner are a common date night for us, some of our more exciting dates include exploring nature or the city.

However, all that being said, if I could truly have my dream date night, it would start with a classy dinner at a nice restaurant that had big windows of some beautiful view. Then some window shopping and exploring through a big city that has a lot of character and history. And then rounding off the night with a walk on the beach.

All of these things are clearly unavailable in our current hometown in Cache Valley, but that's the dream.

In my fashion posts I'm sure you've noticed that I dress very casually. Even when I'm wearing dresses or heels, it's still a very comfortable look. Chris and I are very similar in that way. We know how to dress up, and enjoy doing so. We love going to weddings, putting on our best, and dancing like crazy people (honestly, we are such good dancers at weddings, everyone should invite us to their weddings). And while we like dressing up formally, a typical or even dream date apparel for us would be casual.

It is my personal opinion that while on a date you should be comfortable. A lot of guys seem to get too stressed out over dates and either overdress or underdress. It's very important to dress for the date. If you're doing dinner and a movie, it's okay to be casual, but not sloppy. But if your date is a wedding or a fancier restaurant, it's important to look well put together.

When I was reached out to about this post, I was asked to think about fashion-challenged men. And while I don't consider myself an expert on fashion, not even in the slightest, my personal style is something I enjoy creating and I think it's important for everyone to figure out their own style. But in also thinking of date nights, I figure I'll be a little more specific to help those looking for help on an upcoming date.

First off, autumn is the best time of year for dates. Corn mazes, haunted houses, pumpkin patches, leaves changing... you cannot ask for a more perfect time of year to find someone you like and start dating. Chris and I met in October and a lot of what started our relationship had to do with autumn and Halloween activities (especially considering our first kiss was on Halloween).

So strictly thinking of autumn for men fashion, men, I cannot stress how important it is to have a good pair of jeans. Chris's favorite spot for jeans is Pac Sun and I would agree that they have a good selection of well fitting jeans that look nice for men. Personally, because I have a very goth side, I'm more fond of darker colored jeans and in our fashion post tomorrow you'll see Chris in a pair of black jeans. Darker jeans can also look a bit classier and make you look a little more put together.

If casual is what you're going for, don't fear tees. However, don't go to graphic with your tees. Let me tell you a little secret, unless you're an old married couple like Chris and I (ha ha), girls don't want to be staring at your comic book shirts on a first date. I love Chris's nerdy side. I love that he loves Star Wars and has been obsessively researching the upcoming movie, but if he had worn a tee shirt with Star Wars characters all over it on our first date, my opinion of him may have dropped a little (but we're soulmates, we would have ended up together regardless). I'm not saying to hide your personality. Dates are about asking questions and getting to know each other, so let your own nerdy side show, just maybe not blaring across your chest.

Back to tees, in our post tomorrow you'll see Chris wearing a casual, but nice Volcom tee shirt with a nice simple pattern. Patterns and limited graphics are fine for something casual. Make sure your shirt isn't too baggy or dirty though, you might come off as a slob.

However, while I believe tees are fine for most dates, Chris is also very fond of flannel. And in autumn, where the temperature is cooling down, perhaps a long sleeve shirt is better. Flannel, in mine and Chris's opinion, looks best with larger plaid prints and not too many color schemes. Keep the pattern simple. You can check out my #FashionFriday post from last week as a guide (though I would advise not tying the front like I did) to good flannel, but for men even a bigger print is better.

Also in autumn, it's nice to have a good jacket, nothing too ragged or worn out. And even if you don't get cold, your girl probably will so it's nice to have it handy... and maybe spray some good cologne on it to make sure she enjoys it even more.

Shoes are very important for dates. If your date plan is a hike, you need something that's comfortable for long distance walks. If you're thinking a classy dinner, go for a nice dress shoe. In our post tomorrow, Chris is wearing a pair of blacked out Converse All Stars. What's nice about this shoe is that it's completely black so it doesn't draw too much attention to itself.

Sidebar, I knew a guy in high school who I helped him decorate his dress shoes with pink polka-dots to match his date's dress. Now, for a high school dance, it's not terrible. But he started decorating more of his shoes and it got out of hand. Your feet don't need decorating. Personally, men don't need that, I don't think you should be directing attention to your feet. Women, on the other hand, a good pair of shoes can make an outfit.

Finally, it's not always about what people see, but what you're wearing underneath. This is where Tommy John comes in. Men, lets get real for a second here, a good pair of underwear can make or break an outfit, as a woman I completely agree to this with my outfits as well. You know how I said my style is all about comfort? Well that's even more important for the underwear. Among the stress of the dating world, your underwear should be far from your thoughts. It should be comfortable enough that you never have to think about it even once.

As a woman, I cannot tell you exactly what a man needs in his underwear. But being a married woman, I can tell you that men like comfort just as much as women. It's important to be comfortable with your underwear and with yourself. And Tommy John can give you just that. Tommy John is about things that fit and stay put. If you are out on a date at a haunted corn maze, your underwear wouldn't even be a concern while running away from chainsaws and slipping in mud and falling on your face.... Wait, men don't do that? Just me? Okay. Carry on then.

All in all, date night style is about being yourself. Don't be afraid to be yourself. If you're going somewhere fancy and you're like my brother and don't own a single tie, don't be afraid of showing off one of your bow ties, because if that's who you are then you should proudly show it. Never be afraid to be yourself, because being happy and doing the things that make you happy should always be your life goal, and you'll never reach it if you're busy pretending to be somebody else.

Here's a preview of tomorrow's fashion post with Chris's and my typical date night outfits for autumn:

I hope the men who read my blog enjoyed this different post catered towards them for once. I hope you also check out Tommy John and learn more about how they provide comfort underneath your outfits for date nights. Have fun in the dating world and never forget to stay true to yourself!

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