Sunday, July 22, 2012

Week of Boring Frustration

So it's Sunday night. Michelle and Nick drove me back to Logan and now I'm sitting on my bed, alone in my apartment, writing on this blog. It's a weird week. Tomorrow I have to go into work and quit my job. Crazy. I've been working there for three years now. As much as I hate custodial work, I'm going to miss this job because of all the fun and all the friendships I've made. It's really starting to sink in that I'm moving away from Logan. People are finding out and it's really hitting me. This move is going to be really hard.

Christopher is gone for the week. He's in New York, currently. He's off on a crazy adventure with his family and I am beyond jealous! I want to go to New York so badly! Tomorrow he's visiting Central Park and the Empire State Building, living my dream. Yesterday he went on a church history tour, and the day before that he went to Niagra Falls (one of my goal places). I can't believe he would leave me in Logan while he's adventuring! I can't believe I'm stuck in Logan in the first place. Because I spend all my time with Chris, it's been hard to make new friends this summer. So now, while I'm here this week with no car and no Chris, I have no idea what I'm supposed to do with my life.

I need a car. I am going to buy a car. It's becoming more of a necessity.

I get Tuesday off of work for Pioneer Day, one of my favorite holidays. Lauren and I would always sleep downtown for the parade, but we aren't doing that this year. What's more, I'm stuck in Logan. What on earth am I supposed to do here with no car and no friends? I hate this week.

.... But at the same time I don't. We leave for Jackson on Friday and I am so excited!! Jackson is always the best part of the summer and this year Christopher might be able to come up for a couple of days. How wonderful is sharing my favorite place with the love of my life? Super wonderful!


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