Thursday, January 1, 2015

My 2015 Theme Song

In high school I always picked a "theme song" for the year. A song that helped inspire me throughout the year. For example, the year I graduated high school and moved away for college, my theme song was "I Have Confidence" from The Sound of Music, because I wanted to build more confidence in myself. And honestly, it worked. My confidence level between high school and college went significantly up.

I haven't picked a theme song for a couple years, but while at work I heard a song that literally blew my mind. It's the coolest song in the world and it is the perfect theme song for my year. Prepare your speakers to just blast this song in your face, because it's the greatest song to blast out loud. Love it!!

Butterflies and Hurricanes by Muse

I've never really listened to Muse until recently, but they are pretty much amazing. Seriously though, why have I never listened to Muse before??? I'm so glad my husband recommended them, because they blow my mind.

Here is why this is my theme song. Besides being a very powerful song, it has wonderful lyrics that perfectly describe what I want to accomplish this year.

"Change everything you are and everything you were" 

This quote is not part of my yearly theme in it's entirety.  But as I shared yesterday, one of my New Years Resolutions is to "become the person I want to be". Which obviously involves change. I don't plan on changing everything I am and everything I was, but I want to change what I do, what I stand for, and what I work towards.

"Best, you've got to be the best, you've got to change the world, and use this chance to be heard. Your time is now."

I want to be the best person I can be. I want to serve others, I want to make a difference by sharing my experiences, my stories, and my life with others. I want to blog, to make videos, to share myself. I want to be heard. I want people to listen or read to what I have to say. I want to be the best that I have ever been. And I do believe that this is my year. 

"Don't let yourself down. Don't let yourself go. Your last chance has arrived."

Too many time have I sabotaged myself. I have always been my own worst enemy, telling myself I'm not good enough, that I can't do something, letting myself down continually until I'm broken. This is the year I stop sabotaging myself, I stop letting my depression control me. I'm so much better than that! I can do things, I can accomplish things if I would just give myself a chance! It may not be my last chance, but it another chance to do something and make myself the person I want to be.  

See? Isn't this song perfect? 

I am so excited for this year. I'm going to make a change in both myself and work towards changing the world. Things are going to be different. So be prepared because by the end of this year, I will not be the same. I will be unstoppable. 

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