Sunday, January 1, 2017

Guiding Eyes | COTM January 2017

Hello friends! Welcome to a brand new year of Charity of the Month! This year will be bringing in a lot of new things, but hopefully one of the main things is consistent Charity of the Month posts to bring awareness and money to many different and wonderful charities.

Today's post will, however, be fairly short, but will, hopefully, get the point across.

The Charity of the Month for January 2017 is Guiding Eyes for the Blind. This is a charity that breeds, trains, and distributes guide dogs to the visually impaired, free of cost.

I've only had one encounter with a guide dog. I had a class my first semester of college that had a blind man who always brought in his dog with him. It was a beautiful golden lab and the most obedient dog I've ever seen. I also will never forget the man himself, though his name is lost to me.

It was a class called "Media Through the Ages" and we focused on the different types of ways news and media has progressed through history. It was a fun and interesting class where we were able to learn about and experience different forms of media.

One class, in particular, we learned about silent film. We had the opportunity to watch one of the first silent films and experience something we're not used to. After the film ended, our teacher asked us about it and the blind man raised his hand and said jokingly: "I don't think those were made with the blind in mind."

He had such a humor about him and once even told us all about his dog, which I also don't remember the dog's name. He was an inspiring person to me. I'm sure we all take advantage of our sight, but there are people out there, good and wonderful people, who don't have our same luck, and many of them need help to get through, what are for me, simple, everyday tasks.

Guiding Eyes helps people without sight to find a friend and a support. These dogs are well trained to guide and assist the visually impaired, and Guiding Eyes happily gives these dogs to the blind for free.

But while it may be free for the blind, it is not free to train these dogs, which is why they deserve our help. It takes a lot of money to care for these dogs, but if we all contribute what we can, Guiding Eyes will have some extra help.

What Guiding Eyes is doing for the blind is incredible and we need to help them to continue doing their incredible work.

You can read more about Guiding Eyes and give your donation by CLICKING HERE. Remember, you don't have to give outside your means. Just give what you can and the combination of all of us together should do the rest.

Thanks for your support of Guiding Eyes! 


Do you have a favorite charity you want to be featured as Charity of the Month? Let me know in the comment section below or send me an email. Thanks! 

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