Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Why I'm Pumped for July!

It's July!! Yay!! I typically say that May is my favorite month but I think July is a close second, but the Christmas season and my birthday are other favorites. Anyways July is always such a great month and here's why I'm so excited!!

-Independence Day. This is honestly one of my favorite holidays. Call me crazy or pathetic if you want but every Forth of July during a good firework show listening to the great songs about our country I tend to tear up, because I truly love being an American! I love this incredible nation I get to call home and I love being able to celebrate it! I don't know yet what we're doing and I'm super upset I have to work most the day, but I'm still excited nonetheless. And I bought a really awesome outfit for that day.

-Cow Appreciation Day. If you know me and/or this blog, you know I love cows. I love celebrating Cow Appreciation Day and am so happy to have a husband who allows me to celebrate it without thinking I'm a weirdo. Ha ha. This year Cow Appreciation Day lands on July 11th, and I still think it's weird it's a different day every year. Anyways, every year I dress in black and white, wear my cow necklace and earrings, eat ice cream (to appreciate the great product cows help produce), and take pictures with cows. This year I might not get to see cows though. I don't know where to find them here and Chris and I both work most the day, so I won't even see Chris. :( Also, if you dress up like a cow then you can go to Chick-Fil-A and get a free meal! I would wear my footie pajamas and my cow hat but I think both are in our storage unit in Logan. Bummer.

-My Family is Coming!!!! Much more importantly, on Cow Appreciation Day my mom, sister, brother, and grandma are flying to Texas to visit me!! I'm so insanely excited to see them!! My family is really close and I typically see them a lot so living in Texas is kind of difficult being so far away from them. But they wanted to come see me and we're going to Sea World, visiting the River Walk and finding lots of other fun things to do. I'm super excited and cannot wait!!!

-Pioneer Day. Texas doesn't celebrate Pioneer Day, but for the longest time Pioneer Day was my favorite holiday! I spent it every year sleeping on the side of the road downtown SLC to save our spot for the parade with my best friend, Lauren, and her family. It was the absolute greatest!! Even when I wasn't with Lauren there were at least still firework shows. But Texas won't have fireworks on Pioneer Day and I'm sad. Maybe we'll have to buy some and have our own firework show!! And Lauren, next Pioneer Day we totally need to do something together!

-In Laws Coming!!! My in-laws are coming to Texas as well!! But my husband doesn't tell me anything so I don't actually know when. Ha. So my brother-in-law Sheldon was actually supposed to be here the whole summer working with Chris selling pest control, but he had to stay in Idaho for school so he's not coming until the end of this month. Chris is both really upset Sheldon didn't come sooner, but also super excited for him to be coming later. We miss him. We also miss my in-laws and they are coming to visit! It'll be a good month having both sides of the family coming to visit us! We'll have to do lots of fun things!

-Summer Fun. I think the reason July is my second favorite month is because it's when it officially feels like summer, and summer is the greatest!! Also at the end of July my family always goes on our annual trip to Jackson Hole and it's the greatest! This year we don't get to go to Jackson Hole, which is something I've done with my family every summer for as long as I can remember. It'll be really weird not going and Chris and I are both really upset we can't go, but we're going to make sure next year in Jackson will be the best year ever!!

...So now that I think about it, technically maybe I should not be so pumped for this July. I mean, I'm working Independence Day and Cow Appreciation Day, I know after seeing my family for a weekend I'll only miss them more once they leave, Pioneer Day doesn't exist here, and I don't get to go to Jackson Hole... Yeah...Maybe this July actually will be horrible.

Regardless, I am excited for this new month and all the excitement it will surely bring! This is our last full month in Texas! What?!?! I'll be excited in August when we get to go back home, for sure! We won't be leaving till the end of August, right before school starts, but I'm already missing Utah, even though I love the warmth and having a pool. Texas is fun but I think I'm more of a Utah girl. We'll see though...

What fun things are you doing in July? Let me know it the comments below! 

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