Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Baby Animal Days

This post is a part of The Cache Valley Checklist.

If you follow me on Instagram then you already know that this weekend I had one of the most exciting moments of my life... I PET A BABY COW!!! And it was amazing! I got to see so many baby cows and they were the cutest things ever! But I'm getting ahead of myself.

I have been looking forward to Baby Animal Days at the American West Heritage Center for months now. I was continually on the lookout for the official dates of the event. Finally one day in the mail we received a notice about it and I clung onto the piece of paper, waiting patiently for the event to arrive! When it was finally the week of, we realized we didn't have any money in our bank account and our chances of going were growing dim, and I was truly upset. But my husband, knowing I had my heart set on going, saved up his tip money just for this event!

I absolutely LOVED Baby Animal Days!! We didn't get to see the baby bear, because the line took over an hour and we had to drive down to Salt Lake (another story for another day) but we got to see so many cute little animals and Chris bought me rock candy, which is my favorite.

Honestly, this event was the most exciting thing I've done in a very long time and it made me truly happy! So I'm so happy we were able to go and pet some animals! If you live in Cache Valley or nearby, you should definitely check out this event every Springtime, and don't forget to look at my Cache Valley Checklist for over 100 things to do in Cache Valley!

So now here's just a ton of pictures from the event! Yay!

Showing off our wristbands!

I GOT TO PET A COW!!! So in line there was a little girl before us and she just ran over to the cow and hugged it and kissed his head, it was pretty much the cutest thing ever.  

I held a bunny! And if you know me, holding animals is a pretty big deal for me. 

Santa's reindeer!! 

This is Chris's hand, he said the tongue felt like sandpaper. I don't let my hands go near animal's mouths, even for an adorable little cow.

Sorry, so many cow pictures! But what do you expect from a blog named after cows?

Us with our candy!

Chris showing off his bag of candy.

I'm afraid of bridges, but I totally crossed this. 

Now Chris knows how to handle the duck living outside our apartment. 

This was by far the cutest little horse I've seen in my entire life. Pictures don't do it justice. I couldn't get good ones though because it was dark and rainy the whole time we were there (until we left) and this little guy (actually I think it was a girl) was in a barn, so it was darker anyways. But seriously, tiny, most adorable horse in the whole world. 

Somehow all these pictures got out of order, but what do you guys care, right? So anyways, I love Baby Animal Days!!! 


  1. I love how the little chick is so adorable, and Chris seems to agree, but then Chris's face with the duck is hilarious. He doesn't think the duck is as adorable, clearly. Haha.

    1. ha ha, well the duck isn't nearly as adorable as the chick. The chick is the cutest thing ever!!


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