Monday, December 31, 2012

2012 in Review...

I feel that 2012 was VERY good to me. New Years is a great time to look back on the year you had. So here I go, month by month.

JANUARY was good. I honestly don't remember anything significant happening, other that starting the worst semester of my life. I was only a few months in my relationship with Chris, but at this point we both knew we wanted to marry each other. :)

FEBRUARY was fun! I always hated Valentines Day, but this year it was really good!! Chris's birthday is the day after Valentines Day so it was two days of gift giving and keeping him happy. I loved it! It was also the month I went to Las Vegas with his family for a soccer tournament. I got to meet a lot more of his relatives and truly get to know his brothers and parents.

MARCH was exciting! In college, March was always busy for me because of the San Diego trip I take with the USU Ballroom Dance Team. That trip is always so fun though. (even when our team sucks and gets last place in the competition...)

APRIL was... well I really can't remember. April is my best friend's birthday month, but unfortunately  now that I go to USU I don't usually see her on her birthday. I will this year though!!

MAY was relaxing. The worst semester of my life ended (with all failing grades) so I was able to relax a bit. I moved into the worst apartment of my life for the summer, but it was nice because Chris lived in the same building.

JUNE was boring. Sorry to my sister whose birthday is in June, but I really didn't do anything in June except hang out with Chris, work, and eat. We tried to start running together to train for our 5k for Independence Day, but, please, I don't run. And I started a dance camp, but it made me wake up too early and I was way older than everyone else there. It was weird.

JULY was sad. I love Independence Day and Pioneer Day (which I'm told is just a Utah holiday) but this year I didn't get to do the fun, crazy things I usually do and it made me sad! I walked a 5k with Chris's mom, would have been better if I wasn't sick. It was the first time in many, many years, pretty much since I was like 4 or 5, that I hadn't been with my best friend Lauren on the 24th of July. It killed me.

AUGUST was super hot and fun! We went on our family trip to Jackson Hole, Chris got to come for a few days. It was a blast!! I love Jackson because I get to see lots of family, more specifically my amazing cousin who lives in Austria. Because without Jackson Hole and Facebook, I may never see her. I also started this blog with 50 Things About Me!

SEPTEMBER was weird. I had decided to move back home to find a better job and earn money for school. But I didn't realize how hard it would be to be away from Chris. It was also strangely weird to not be going back to school. It didn't feel right, a clear indication that I need to go back to school soon.

OCTOBER was happy! I started working more at the daycare and I absolutely (still) love it!! Those kids are so much fun and amazing! October is also my favorite holiday, Halloween! And I got to decorate the house and I made an awesome Halloween craft!

NOVEMBER held the greatest moment of my life:

I don't think any other words are necessary. :)

DECEMBER was merry! I had the best Christmas of my life this month!! I loved every minute leading up to it! My parents spoiled me rotten! I love Christmas!

I'm so excited for January to come again! This year (the year I get married) will be the best year yet!! :)

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