Sunday, November 17, 2013

Pinterest Sunday: Hacks, Sewing, Dance, Ellen, Band, Books, Christmas, Pizza, Jeans, Declutter, London, Pallet, Wish, Octopus, and Date

Introduction... I can't think of a good introduction... Oh! I'm so excited that I'm almost to 30,000 page views!! Please share this post with all your friends so we can reach our goal! Thanks!

I'm always interested in ways to make my beauty routine easier or different. I really liked this article. I'm just obsessed with BuzzFeed...

I really want a sewing machine. I have so many Pinterest crafts that I want to do but can't because of the lack of sewing machine. I suppose it's fine, I mean I can hardly find time to read for Book Club so how would I find time to sew? But someday I'll get a sewing machine and this article will be very helpful to me. 

I just want to dance again. I miss it so much! 

It's no secret on this blog that I love Ellen Degeneres. I think she is fantastic and hilarious. 

I'll be honest, I don't know if I fully understand this picture. But I'll accept it. A dinosaur band? I like it. 

What a way to draw someones attention. Who doesn't want to be smarter, more attractive and more interesting? So we will definitely be looking at these books for Book Club in the future. If there is one in particular that you want to read, just go to the Book Club page and leave a comment to vote for it! 

I love the look of this bookshelf for either my future home or even my future classroom. The blog that posted this put it in her child's nursery and it looks so cute! You can check it out by CLICKING HERE

When I was little I used to wear our tree skirt around the house around Christmas time, but I don't think it would fit me anymore. However, I think this is genius and I could figure out a way to make this work for me! I love the way this looks so I'm really considering it for my Christmas attire. Except...

I get so irritated when people talk about Christmas in November. But I've been doing it a lot lately. It's my first Christmas in a married couple and I get to have all these new experiences and start new traditions and I think that's why I'm getting so excited. But yeah, it's November. It's not Christmas yet. 

I've recently become obsessed with Jimmy Fallon. His Late Night Hashtag videos are the greatest! He just makes me laugh so hard and is the greatest break from homework ever. 

How cute is this??? I love creative food ideas for holidays and this is perfect for half the year in Utah because it snows like six months out of the year... Yeah... Anyways, you can find the recipe for the pizza dough by CLICKING HERE

I need new jeans and these are just so cute! I love dark jeans! I don't really enjoy wearing light colored jeans (I used to only wear black, some people think I'm gothic or something like that but really I just love the color black and dark colors). According to the link, these are currently out of stock, but you can buy them when they're back in stock by CLICKING HERE

I will be needing this in the near future to get my place decluttered (more on that later this week). But these are all great questions to ask when going through old stuff. I'm excited for these. 

This beautiful snowy London is so incredibly gorgeous! I'm in need of a vacation and while I can not (at all) afford a trip to London (I don't even have a passport) it's nice to look at a picture like this and just imagine.

Umm, this is genius and I love it. The website is in a different language but the picture alone can help you figure it out. But if you'd like the real instructions CLICK HERE

This honestly made me tear up when I saw it. It's just so cute!!! When we were picking up my brother from the airport I got to see a soldier's homecoming as well. It was an incredible sweet experience! There was a huge crowd and you could just see the love. We all knew Sheldon would come back, but with the military the family doesn't always know. It was so humbling to watch that experience. 

I've been incredibly stress and possibly dramatic lately because of all these crazy huge assignments for school, but at least I haven't eaten myself right?? :)

I didn't expect this post to be so long, but whatever I guess. I'm ending with this one because it's something I want to do more with my husband. We're so busy with school and work we don't take the time to date each other, it's depressing really but it doesn't mean our relationship is bad (like this girl I work with suggested, more on that later). We just need to make more time for each other and for dating each other. A lot of these ideas don't involve money or even leaving the house, so it's definitely things that we can do. 

I'm thinking of making playlists for my blog readers, like my study playlist or my workout playlist. If you're interested leave a comment below! THANKS FOR READING!! 

1 comment:

  1. I love all your pinterest sunday posts! They are so much fun to look at!


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