If you aren't already watching it, you can see how you can view or listen to General Conference HERE. I'm planning on doing a "What I Learned From General Conference" post sometime later, but for now, here are my top ten reasons why I love General Conference!!
1. German Pancakes
We're starting with the lowest. It is an Ostrowski family tradition that we get German pancakes every Sunday morning of General Conference. I don't know how the tradition started but it's a delicious one that I plan on continuing with my future family and currently with my husband. Last October my sister was up in Logan and helped me make them but this time it's all me, and I'm not always the best baker. Wish me luck tomorrow!!
2. Lying around in pajamas.
Yep. It's just fun. And super lazy.
3. General Conference Bingo!
Last year on my blog I created a General Conference Bingo! I got the idea from a friend of mine who does it every year, but he's an awesome artist who draws out his Bingo board and it always looks super cool! Mine wasn't nearly as cool, but it's still a fun thing to do, especially if you have little kids who have a hard time sitting through conference.
4. #ldsconf
Last year I spent a lot of the conference sessions on Twitter tweeting out short quotes that I heard and liked. I also looked at the hashtag #ldsconf and read what other people were saying about conference. I really liked it because it helped me read some quotes that I missed and it was just kind of amazing to see how many people were tweeting about this and I just felt like I was a part of this wonderful community of wonderful people. I also got a couple new followers that weekend. This weekend check out my Twitter page and see what quotes I like best!
5. The laughs.
I think people hearing about General Conference would think it's just super boring. Listening to old men speak for hours doesn't sound like a great weekend activity. But surprisingly, these incredible prophets of God know how to make us laugh. There aren't a ton of laughs comparatively, but when they happen they are always the best. I love hearing the congregation in the background laughing, it's just fun.
6. The talks are immortal.
As I'm getting ready for the day I go to my Gospel Library app
7. The incredible speakers.
The majority of the speakers at General Conference are old men, but they are the greatest old men in the world! They are cute and funny and just the kindest people. Honestly if the men of General Conference taught my college classes, I'd be much more inclined to go and listen.
8. Questions answered
I try to think of a question as I'm going into General Conference. Something I want to learn more about or something I'm struggling with and need help with. And it's incredible because every session my question gets answered. General Conference is about lessons from God to us. He listens to the questions that we want answered and through his prophets we are able to receive an answer. It's truly an incredible thing.
9. There is always so much to learn!
It's amazing that after 184 sessions of conference they can still take a topic we know and put a new spin on it. It's truly incredible! I learn something new every single time and even as I'm listening back on the talks later I catch new things that I didn't notice before. It may seem hard to be a member of a church where you're never done learning, but in my opinion that the greatest part of it! Learning more every conference and every new week at church helps me grow and helps me to become a better person. Learning new things is what makes General Conference so great!
10. There are living prophets today!
You guys, I can't even begin to explain how amazing it is to know that there are living prophets right now! And sitting through General Conference and listening to these prophets of God is the most wonderful blessing in the entire world. When you listen to what these prophets say you know that it came straight from God. God is speaking to us through them and we need to listen. I know that they are real prophets of God and that fact alone helps me get through all the hard times, because the things they say help me with my own personal trials and I know that those words came from God. Read THIS WEBPAGE to learn more about these living prophets.
I love General Conference and I hope you all have a wonderful weekend watching and hearing from the prophets of God.
If you are not LDS and have any questions about General Conference or just my religion in general, please leave a comment below or email me your questions at thedancingcowblogger@gmail.com and I will do my best to answer your questions or direct you to someone who can.
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