Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Charity of the Month: Autism Speaks

As I'm starting out on this blogging journey I know that I can't change the world right away. But I keep the hope in my heart that maybe someday I can. That's why I keep doing Charity of the Month. Whether or not people donate to the charity, I'm raising awareness for it, and that's a good start.

This semester in one of my classes we split into groups and gave presentations on a certain mental disability and how we, as future educators, can use this information in the classroom to make sure each student gets the education they need. While I don't know if I'm going to be a teacher anymore, I absolutely loved these presentations and learning about these incredible students and what they're capable of.

The presentation that stuck out most in my mind though was on autism. One of the girls in the group stood up there and shared this video:

The girl in my class had tears in her eyes as she told us that that boy was her younger brother.

The video truly inspired me to raise awareness of autism on this blog and give it a chance on Charity of the Month. I believe that those diagnosed with autism are not limited and have the potential to do great and wonderful things. They are different because they only work harder to accomplish great things. Their potential in life does not change because of autism, and it's incredible to see these autistic children push autism aside and show they are capable of anything.

This month's charity is Autism Speaks which is "dedicated to funding research into the causes, prevention, treatments and a cure for autism; increasing awareness of autism spectrum disorders; and advocating for the needs of individuals with autism and their families." (Quote found HERE

I urge all my readers to help raise awareness for Autism Speaks and make a donation. The Autism Speaks's online donation page can be found HERE. Remember that you don't always have to donate money to make a difference, you can also donate your time or simply share their message. Remember that with any money made on this blog through sponsorships, 70% goes straight to charity. 

So please donate to the cause! Please bring awareness to Autism Speaks! And please enjoy one last video of an incredible child with autism:

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