Thursday, April 10, 2014

April Stresses Bring May in Texas

It's stressful enough to work every night and be going to school (while also not wanting to be in school and trying to figure out what to do with my life) but add in the fact that we're moving to Texas at the end of finals week and you have a stressful me.

I just feel like I have so much to do to prepare for Texas! I mean, this is a big move!! Neither of us know anyone in Texas, Chris may have a job ready there for him, but we're just kind of going to Texas blindly not knowing what to do or what to expect. We can only bring what fits in our little car (which I'm nervous about our car even making it to Texas) and there is just a ridiculous amount of change going on here.

I have some doctor appointments to make before we go, we have to find a storage unit for all our stuff that we're not taking with us, we have to donate plasma twice a week to make sure we have enough money to make our journey to Texas, nothing is packed yet, the apartment is currently a mess, we have a duck with five or six eggs living right next to our front door and soon we'll have ducklings as pets, I have to give away my beta fish because they won't survive the trip to Texas, oh yeah, and we only moved four months ago!

I absolutely hated our move last December, it was super stressful and I felt completely alone in whole process. But that was just a move a few streets away from our last place! This is to Texas! 1385 miles away!! As Britney Spears said in her amazing role on How I Met Your Mother, "Welcome to Stressville, population: me."

So this post is to basically say that as I'm going through all the stresses of moving and getting done with this semester of school, this blog is going on the back-burner. I'll still be writing some posts, but it won't be as much of a priority for me right now, and I hope you understand that.

When we get to Texas I have lots of blog posts planned and we have tons of "Texas Adventures" that we will be going on and I will write about them all! I also have a special giveaway planned for the summer, so don't forget to keep coming by!

Thank you to all my new and loyal blog readers! I love you all and I am so grateful for your support in this big change in my life. Thank you for reading my blog! I love y'all!!! (See, I'm preparing for Texas.)

1 comment:

  1. Good luck. We moved from Utah to Texas last January. The move turned into a huge nightmare when our car broke down in the middle of no-where over New Years Eve. Some good Samaritans helped us out which really helped my testimony of how Heavenly Father watches out for us. As crazy as it all was it was totally worth it once we got here. What part of Texas are you moving to?


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