Friday, October 4, 2013

One Month Till My Birthday!!!!!

It's one month till my birthday!!!!! I'm so happy!!! But not at the same time, because I just realized how cold it's getting here and during my move to our new apartment, I lost the bag with all my winter hats and gloves... and I'm very upset.

Anyways, back to my birthday, I've always been one to get super excited for my birthday, because no matter what, I'm always happy on my birthday! And being happy is super important. Except this year I turn 23 and I don't know how I feel about that. That number just seems gross... and old... Can I be 22 for another year? Or even just skip to 24? There's just something weird about 23...

So since it's one month till my birthday, and my husband says I can no officially start talking about it (even though I've been talking about it for over a month) I am going to make my birthday wishlist!! Please don't think of me as selfish, I understand I am NOT going to get all these things and I don't care. It's just a guideline for anyone buying me birthday gifts (like my readers, you're more than welcome to buy my gifts, wink wink (I'm totally kidding, promise)).


  • Yours Truly Album by Ariana Grande
    • This one I need. Honestly need. And CDs aren't that expensive. I've been hinting at this to my husband since it came out so if he doesn't get it for me, there may be trouble. 
  • Beta Fish
    • I've been talking about this since forever. I really want fish. I think technically they aren't allowed in our apartment, but I really want them!! I want two, a boy and a girl named Julio and Sassy. Yep. I've thought a lot about this. 
  • Winter hats and gloves
    • Because apparently I need them... I'm still so angry. I really hope that aren't truly lost and they will turn up somewhere soon, because they were seriously so cute and I loved them all! 
  • Clothing
    • My mom always knows I want new clothes anytime she gives me gifts. You know, Pinterest is fantastic because my mom can just look on there and see what types of things I want. It's genius really. 
  • iTunes Money
    • I like having actual CDs, but some music artists I don't really like, I just want one song from them. So I love iTunes for that! Although my iPod is currently full...
  • iPod
    • I know I won't get this, and I do love my current iPod, but it would be really nice to be able to put more music on my iPod, but I can't. It's annoying. Actually, what I really want is an iPhone, but I know that's not happening to the point where it's not even worth it to put it on this list. 
  • Sewing Machine
    • Weird right? But I really want one to do some of my Pinterest things. I know I won't get it, but I just want someone to be aware that I want one. 
Please don't think of me as selfish. Honestly, I'd be fine just going out for a nice dinner with my family for my birthday. I don't need this stuff. It's just a wishlist. :) 

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