Monday, September 30, 2013

Special Occasion

I've been ruining this blog trying to get everyone else to like it and make it interesting for others, but I forgot what I started it for, for me, to tell my story. So things are changing around here and I hope you like it, but if not, this blog is for me to express myself, so I don't really care that much what others think. 

I absolutely adore the quote above!! All the time I say, "I don't have to dress nice or do my hair today, nothing special is going to happen" but I'm completely wrong! Everyday is a special occasion!! I can't keep putting off my best outfits for another day, everyday can be important.

This also relates to happiness. I tend to put happiness into the future. I tell myself "I'm too busy with school and work to be happy today" but I've never been so stupid in my life! My elementary education teacher keeps telling us, "Don't wait to be happy" and I nodded along and said "Yeah, that's a good way to look at things" but I didn't live it. Well things are changing. I am choosing to be happy now. I am choosing to take every opportunity and make it something special and important.

I love my crazy life! I love my husband more than anything in the world! I love my job. While I hate to admit it, I really do love school, no matter how hard it is sometimes. I am so blessed with the greatest family and the greatest in-laws in the entire world! I have been given so many wonderful opportunities and blessing in the past two years since meeting my husband and I've been taking it all for granted!

I am so blessed. And it's time I start acting like it. Everyday you're alive is a special occasion. Don't wait to be happy, be happy now.

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