Friday, May 20, 2016

Business Casual

Today's look is one of my typical work outfits. I'm obsessed with this shirt right now. A few weeks ago I wore it, washed it that night, and wore it again the next day... making sure I didn't see all the same people. Still, totally obsessed.

Fun fact, these are actually maternity pants. My mom got them for me back in October (thanks again mom!) when I was pregnant. What's nice is that they aren't your typical maternity pants with the giant band that goes over your pregnant belly, these pants just have a thin elastic band. I love it because then I can wear them anytime, pregnant or not, and nobody knows that they're really maternity pants and they're nice so I can wear them to work, so people think I'm in those uncomfortable dress pants, but in reality I'm in comfy elastic waistband pants.

Holy giant sentence...

Anyways, I hope you enjoy today's Fashion Friday post. Don't forget to follow me on the social medias to always know when a new blog post is up. I love you all, I consider you some of my greatest friends, and I hope you have a wonderful day!

Outfit Details:
Shirt: Down East
Pants: Ross
Shoes: Vans (Exact Match)

Do you need nice dress pants for work too? Here's some great ones under $50... that aren't maternity pants. Ha ha.

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