Thursday, December 31, 2015

2016 Theme Songs

Last year I posted about my 2015 Theme Song. Now I've always thought of a theme song for the year, but last year was the first time I posted it on my blog. But I truly loved it and I think you did too (that probably a lie) so I'm sharing it with you again.

This year I have two, but one is for me and the other is specifically for this blog. So here they are, my 2016 theme songs!

Let's start with the one specifically for this blog.


I believe I mentioned that I am bringing back Charity of the Month in 2016. This has always been something I wanted but it's hard because being completely broke myself I don't feel like I'm doing anything.

Starting this year it's going to be a little different though. I will have one main charity featured a month that will be highlighted on the side of my blog. However, the last time I did Charity of the Month I actually got emails asking if their charity could be featured, so I'm going to have an ongoing list of charities that you suggest and care about. And if you do have a charity, you are more than welcome to contact me about writing a guest post on my blog all about your charity.

I know that my personal income can't make much of a difference, but if we all group together I truly believe we can make a change for the better. That is why Carrie Underwood's brilliant song is the theme song for The Dancing Cow this year as we make Charity of the Month stronger.


About two months ago I had my miscarriage and when I went back to work it was... just the worst. That first week I came back I would often leave my desk to cry in the bathroom or simply just cry at my desk. I was a wreck. So one of those days I began to cry, thinking about the baby I had lost, and this song came on. I don't know how or why but I immediately stopped crying and really listened to it, taking in the words.

This is my personal theme song for this year. Things happen that can make or break us, but as long as we live each day to the fullest then we'll be able to make it through. This year is about getting things done. No more procrastinating, no more laziness, no more waiting for the right time, NOW is the right time.

I'm not going to put things off anymore. I can be happy now and I need to stop waiting for it to happen. I made a goal years ago that I would do things that make me happy, but I keep putting things off because it doesn't feel like the right time. "I'M GONNA LIVE MY LIFE LIKE TOMORROW NEVER COMES" I can be happy, I can be successful, I can be who I want to be right now and I need to stop putting it off.

Last year was so hard for me. Depression hit me hard all year long and then my miscarriage nearly killed me. But I have high hopes for this year. When we are at our lowest, there's no place left but up. This year is going to be amazing for both me and my blog and I hope you stick around to see it all.


Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Happy Tuesday - 12/29/2015

That 2015 is almost over

Short weeks at work

That I have a YouTube video going up tomorrow!!

New clothes

A new brush

Journals and books

Having the greatest Christmas

My new iPad!!

My puppy Zoram (sometimes)

Making Snapchat videos of my puppy

And Chris

Saturday, December 19, 2015


Hello my friends! This page is going to be a mess for a while... probably until January. I'm moving things around and getting things ready for the exciting things to come in 2016. So please forgive the mess and have a wonderful Christmas!!

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Happy Tuesday - 12/2/2015

I mentioned a while ago that I'm not really happy and it's just hard for me to be happy. But I wanted to write a Happy Tuesday post anyways just about my husband.

I'm kind of a wreck, this week especially. I'm so emotional and randomly switching between anger and sadness, I'm honestly a little crazy right now. And despite my craziness, Chris is doing his best to help me through everything. How he tolerates, and accommodates my mood swings I will never understand. I'm a little broken right now, and he makes everyday so much easier.

I am so grateful to have a husband who does everything he can to make me happy, and when he knows he can't do anymore, he encourages me to seek other help. I love Chris, he is my soulmate, and my best friend and I had no idea that anyone could ever love me the way he does.

Chris makes me so happy. Every Happy Tuesday Chris is included on my list of things that make me happy because he is it. He's the thing that makes me happy. Even though my miscarriage has broken me and it's so hard right now for me to be happy, I know that if I didn't have Chris in my life I would not survive this. Chris saved my life and he brings me so much happiness.

Chris is, and always will be, the thing that makes me most happy.

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