Sunday, September 18, 2016

My Life Is Different - Sunday Scrapbook

Hello friends! "Sunday Scrapbook" is a segment where I share photos and stories from the past week. And while I'm pretty sure in the past year I've only done 2 other posts, it's a segment I enjoy a lot. Hopefully we'll be doing more in the future.

I spent this past week unemployed, sitting in my apartment stressing over Heroes & Villains and moving, both of which basically happened in the same day.

Yesterday Heroes & Villains premiered on my blog! I'm not going to talk too much about it in this post, but if you want to learn more you can find all the information you need by CLICKING HERE. Basically it's a series of short stories I've written specifically for my blog. I've been working on it all year long so it's been a big project for me. Please check it out if you haven't already and give me your feedback!

Friday I loaded up a lot of my stuff onto a trailer and put it into storage. Then what we didn't put in storage was taken to my parents house. Then Chris and I spent hours cleaning our old apartment, finally left at midnight, and arrived at our new (temporary) home at 1:30. So yeah, Saturday. Big day.

And I'm still tired from the whole thing so here's our midnight picture of us leaving apartment #4 in Logan, Utah for forever, completely unedited because of my exhaustion. And just look at my hair in that picture. I'm still that level of exhaustion.

My post announcing our move was called "The Biggest Change" because leaving Logan is honestly the biggest change I've made in my life in a long time. Already I'm seeing how different my life is going to be just by leaving Logan.

Logan has been great to me. Logan gave me my soulmate so I will always love the place for introducing me to him. But it was time for us to leave. We're both very happy with our decision and anxious/excited to see what will come.

If you're wondering, I'm not actually unemployed. I do have a job lined up, I just wasn't working this past week... which was super nice. Someday I want to be able to just write all day like I did most days this week. Writing is the real job I want. Someday I'm going to get it. Just you wait and see.

I want to thank all my wonderful blog readers/friends for being so supportive of our move. I had mentioned a lot of it had to do with my miscarriage, and the love I've gotten since that tragedy in my life has been greatly appreciated. My internet friends (you) are some of my greatest friends and I feel so blessed daily to get to interact with you.

Well, I know this is a shorter "Sunday Scrapbook" post, but the lack of sleep I've had is not doing me any good. I have some relaxing to do.

Please check out Heroes & Villains! Don't forget to follow me on social media! And I will see you all next week for another post! Love you!!

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