Sunday February 21st:
Umm.... I'm pretty sure I did nothing today. Yeah. Nothing. But I did blog! You can find the post called Becoming A Warrior HERE. It's a personal favorite and was pretty popular on my Twitter. I'm so Twitter famous *wink wink. I also got an email through this blog which means something exciting is happening soon!!!'s a giveaway. I couldn't wait to spill the secret. Start liking my social media pages now to get more entries into the giveaway! I'm not sure exactly when it'll happen, but soon.
Monday February 22nd:
I did way too much shopping today. Ross, American Eagle, and Cotton On. I will be doing a haul video soon so you can see all my purchases! Also, I replaced Chris with my bear Oso:
Tuesday February 23rd:
Today was apparently National Toast Day. (How would we ever know about these obscure holidays without social media? Thanks Twitter for the heads-up.) So I posted this photo on Twitter in honor of the holiday:
And I'll be honest, I was really upset that no one liked my Tweet. Does no one care about Nacho Libre? Sure you may not be able to quote it as easily or often as my husband, but doesn't it still just make you laugh? It's Jack Black for crying out loud!!
Wednesday February 24th:
So last night I slept with my hair in braids so I would have wavy hair and, yeah, it was insane.
(Sorry for the blurry picture) This picture is even tame compared to the way it looked right after I took the braids out. It's been a long time since I've done this with my hair and considering how annoying it was I'm pretty sure I remember why I stopped. Although this kid at my work said it looked nice.
Also, I need to get my ombre fixed. In pictures it always looks like I'm in weird lighting so the top is randomly dark. I want to go back to my cousin since she originally did my color, but she lives to far away it's hard to justify a long drive just for a hair dye. So if you live in Cache Valley and want to do my hair for cheap you should let me know.
So last Saturday Zoram started his puppy training classes, which he embarrassed us in. But we got some pointers on leash walking, which previously Zoram would have nothing to do with. This week he picked it up quickly. Honestly, Sunday Chris was dragging Zoram around on the leash and today:
He's a little professional. We spent our lunch break walking him around the block. It's a short walk, but he's doing fantastic and he loves it.
Thursday February 25th:
Work is hard. Being an adult is hard. And when you're tired, nauseous, and have a headache, there's no better day to wear your hair in pigtails and pretend you have a weird mustache.
Today I built a metal shelf thing I bought at K-Mart's closing sale that goes above the toilet. But it's slightly lopsided and I couldn't get one of the shelves to fit. I'm upset.
Then I went into Chris's work with Zoram and let him wander the aisles. Whenever Zoram saw his reflection in a refrigerator or oven he would freak out and it was pretty funny. I'm pretty sure he technically shouldn't be wandering Sears, but I'm grateful that Chris's boss hasn't said anything about it.
When we got back home I was making Chris watch My Fair Lady
Saturday February 27th:
Today I woke up at like 11, because Saturdays are my sleep in days, then immediately took Zoram on a long walk, then spent forever getting ready while watching 13 Going on 30, then took Zoram on another walk to PetSmart for his class. Zoram was great in his class today because it was on loose leash walking... which we walked to the class so he didn't need too much extra help. I don't think he is going to have his bad reputation in class anymore! Yay!
Notable tweets of the week:
8 years ago I decided not to commit suicide. While I still have daily trials, I am so grateful for that decision. #SuicideAwareness— Kaylee ♡ (@cowgirl_kaylee) February 23, 2016
I just wish I had a work best friend like @JoslynDavis and @lily_marston. My grown up job is too lame. #friendshipgoals— Kaylee ♡ (@cowgirl_kaylee) February 25, 2016
It takes all my will power not to freak out when #zoramgerrard is licking my hand. My fear of dogs is better, but not fully gone. #puppy— Kaylee ♡ (@cowgirl_kaylee) February 25, 2016
It's funny how I used to hate the love songs in musicals and thought they were boring. #musicals #love— Kaylee ♡ (@cowgirl_kaylee) February 27, 2016
#zoramgerrard's second puppy class went better. He still has a lot of work though. #puppy #puppytraining #petsmart— Kaylee ♡ (@cowgirl_kaylee) February 27, 2016