But it's my calling and I'm still excited about it. While still feeling not good enough. I'm working on it.
Today I taught my first lesson to the young women. There were three girls, six leaders, and the bishop. We're really lacking in active young women in our ward, but some only go to mutual on Tuesdays and are still just as sweet and amazing.
To say I was nervous is an understatement. I was shaking, I was terrified, I felt completely inadequate, and I stood in front of those girls so scared I wanted to run. But I did it!! We blew through what I had planned much quicker than I had thought but the bishop helped fill in the time and, obviously led by the spirit because I would never have been able to do it on my own, I was able to remember scriptures and quotes and find them quickly on my Kindle Fire to share (thank goodness for the Gospel Library
I think that this will forever be something for me to work on, and that's good. I think that as a member of the LDS church I will forever have the opportunity to learn and grow and progress. Honestly, that's one of the greatest things about this church, that we never stop learning.
Way to go, sister!! So, I used to be a relief society teacher, and the first few times, I was definitely shaking so bad. I was so nervous. But over time, it started feeling more comfortable. I still felt nervous every time, but I also felt more comfortable, so it was ok. :) You're going to be such a good leader for those girls! Love you!