Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Let's be real, there's always something we want to change about our bodies. Unfortunately, some people don't know how to control that desire for change and end up harming their bodies with extreme weight loss plans or eating disorders (I once had to teach an hour long class on eating disorders, so don't get me started on that). Christopher and I have been letting ourselves go a bit. We eat out WAY too much. Both of us have watched as we grew a gut where we used to have abs. We both want to lose some weight, and I'm sure there's something you want too. So this is a post about exercises to help slim specific areas of your body.

First off I want to share with you this woman's blog: http://www.jensjourney.com/ . I really like this blog for various reasons. You can see what this woman has done to change herself. It's an incredible change! She posts the exercises that she's doing and the food she eats in a day. If you're looking for a drastic change, try following her blog for a while. It's apparent that what she's doing works.

Next we have thighs: http://www.ivillage.com/slimmer-thighs-7-days-yes-it-s-possible/4-b-301396?obref=obinsite#301399 . I personally hate my thighs, so these are the exercises I'm going to be testing out for a while. I've been dancing my whole life but I still don't have the dancer's legs that I want. So I'll be working on that before I get married. 

This is what I'm looking for. There are some specific exercises that help to get results like the legs above. As a dancer for my whole life, I understand how these could give you the dancer leg results. There is also a workout craze called Xtend Barre Workout. It's worth checking out: http://xtendbarreworkout.com/new/ .

Moving upwards, we reach the abs. Now the photo above is from a 30 day ab challenge. The user said "I should also note that I haven't actually lost any weight during this process, just toned up.  I wish I were down about 10 lbs but the truth of the matter is my body is changing for the better and that's enough to keep me going." She said that it is work and it will take more time to get what she wants. Her blog can be found here: http://www.lifeafteridew.com/2012/05/300-ab-challenge-results.html . But an easier way to find the workout is on this blog: http://kayciesantics.blogspot.com/2012/03/300-ultimate-ab-and-core-challenge_22.html . 

If you want something a little more intense, I'd check out this woman. She's ridiculous. I used to find her videos on youtube and think she was insane. I'd just stare in shock that she can do these workouts. But if you look at her body, you can see how she does it. This ab exercise is not her worst and I'd definitely check it out. http://www.bodyrock.tv/2011/05/31/amazing-abs-workout/ .  You should also check out her thirty day challenge here: http://www.bodyrock.tv/2012/04/30/may-30-day-challenge-sexy-by-summer-day-1-start-here/ . I think that's something I might try. Might. 

Moving up again we have arms. So here is a link to Fitness Magazine's top 10 arm moves: http://www.fitnessmagazine.com/workout/arms/exercises/best-arm-moves/?page=1 . Personally, my arms are already fairly toned (it's what I get for working as a custodian and vacuuming all day), so I haven't really been looking for arm workouts. But I do have more on my Pinterest pages if you're interested: http://pinterest.com/kayleero/fitness/ or http://pinterest.com/kayleero/dance-fitness/ .

Well that's it for now. When I move home, my brother and I are starting a workout plan together (possibly Insanity), so I'll keep you all up to date on what I'm doing and what I suggest to get more toned (which is my goal). I hope this post helped. If you have any questions, let me know, or if any of the links didn't work, let me know. I'm here to help. :)

*Note: sometimes my blogger likes to do weird things, such as highlight some sentences or change the font. I am not doing this on purpose and I apologize for the weirdness. I'm working on getting that fixed. Just give it time.

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